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Dr. M Krygier has been helping people with health problems for over 17 years and has an innovative health practice in Novi, MI. Dr. Krygier has helped thousands of patients with various health conditions using safe, non-toxic, scientifically based treatments through Chiropractic services and supplemental based regiments. This membership is designed to extend to the public: health knowledge and how it is applicable in the pursuit of your health and healing.
Become a Member: Get On The Pathway To Health!
Membership Includes:
Members reference guide to over 200+ health conditions recommended by Dr. Krygier using alternative health strategies.
For example, conditions like: GERD, Moon Face, Growing Pains.
Learn Nutritional Strategies to help prevent dis-ease, improve sport performance, improve treatment outcomes, improve recovery time and/or complement medicine for best results.
For example: The root that improves exercise performance....
For example: The Nutraceutical that gets an A+ Rating for Osteo-Arhtritis....
See the science based research of how nutritional deficiencies line up with dis-eased conditions and how phyto-nutrients, vitamins, minerals etc. are some of your best medicines.
For example: The Vitamin you never heard of that heals......
For example: The Nutrient that stops reflux or vomiting in babies...
Get the Doctor Recommended Best Quality Based Professional Products in the Industry with the highest active ingredients preserved for the best treatment outcomes.
Over 25 lecture Acrobat PDF slides on applicable and relevant health topics.
For example, topics like: Thyroid Lecture, Asyra Lecture
Review the Newsletter Archive from the last 5 years that was sent out on a monthly basis.
For example: 2013 February Newsletter
Over 20 Purification and/or Detoxification Programs for you to implement for health.
For example: Cool Mist Vaporizer Treatment
Always Updating Information and Improving Strategies as the research and knowledge in the field of functional medicine grows.
Above $50 value Free Shipping Costs on supplements in the US with membership.

Just for becoming a member we will also include this book on "Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements" by Stephanie Selene Anderson with Mark R. Anderson.
For just $15.00 / quarterly at $60.00 / year.
Get on the Pathway to Health!!!
Dr. Krygier has separated:The Meat from the Bone,
The Wheat from the Chaffe,
When it comes to the science,
The answer's from the research.
For just $15.00 / quarterly at $60.00 / year.
Get on the Pathway to Health!!!
Dr. Krygier has separated:The Meat from the Bone,
The Wheat from the Chaffe,
When it comes to the science,
The answer's from the research.